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Adds a Leaflet map to a webpage, based on specified or selected inputs.


output_map(shapes = NULL, overlays = NULL, color = NULL,
  color_time = NULL, dataview = NULL, id = NULL, click = NULL,
  subto = NULL, background_shapes = NULL, options = list(),
  overlays_from_measures = TRUE, tiles = list(url =
  "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", options = list(maxZoom
  = 19)), attribution = list(name = "OpenStreetMap", url =



A list or list of lists specifying GeoJSON files. Each list should have at least a url entry (the URL of the file), and will need a name entry (associating it with one of the site's datasets) if the site has multiple datasets. The file's features must each have a properties field containing an ID found in the data -- by default this is assumed to be called "geoid", but this can be specified with an id_property entry in the list. For example shapes = list(name = "data", url = "", id_property = "id"). A time entry can also specify different maps for the same dataset, based on the selected time, along with a resolution entry to specify how to match the year; either "decade" (default) or "exact".


additional layers to add to the map, based on the selected variable; a list or list of lists with entries at least for variable (name of the variable associated with the layer) and source (path to the layer file, or a list with entries including url and time). Entries can also include a filter entry, with a list or list of lists of conditions, including entries for feature (name of the feature on which to condition entity inclusion), operator, and value.


The name of a variable, or id of a variable selector, to be used to color polygons.


The ID of a selector to specify which timepoint of color to use.


The ID of an input_dataview component.


Unique ID for the map.


The ID of an input to set to a clicked polygon's ID.


A vector of output IDs to receive hover events from.


The name of a dataset (shapes) to show within a selection, regardless of selected dataset. Useful to show lower-level regions within higher-level regions.


A list of configuration options, potentially extracted from a saved leaflet object (see Leaflet documentation).


Logical; if TRUE, will look for overlay information in measurement information.


A list or list of lists containing provider information (see leaflet providers; e.g., list(url = "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", options = list(maxZoom = 19))).


A list with tile attribution information to be included in a credits section. To add attributions to the map, include them in tile's options list.


A character vector of the content to be added.


#> [1] "<div class=\"auto-output leaflet\" id=\"map\" data-autoType=\"map\"></div>"