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Collects specified inputs to create a filtered dataset from which outputs can pull.


input_dataview(id = NULL, y = NULL, x = NULL, time = NULL,
  time_agg = "last", time_filters = list(), dataset = NULL, ids = NULL,
  features = NULL, variables = NULL, palette = "")



An ID of the data view, for association with output elements. Defaults to 'view' appended with a zero-index of views, based on the order in which they were specified (e.g., 'view0' for the first view).


Primary variable of interest, used by default to color elements in outputs, and shown on the y-axis of plots; name of a variable or ID of a variable selector.


Secondary variable, shown by default on the x-axis of plots, and across columns in a single-variable table; name of a variable or ID of a variable selector.


Name of a variable giving names to multiple time points (such as a vector of years). Defaults to the time specified in an associated metadata, or a sequence along each variable.


Specifies how multiple time points should be treated when a single value is required. Default is to use the last time with data. This could point to an input which selects a time.


A list with entries specifying which years to display. Each entry should be a list with entries for "variable" (which variable is being filtered, which can be "index"), "type" (specifying the operator, such as ">"), and "value". The value of each entry can be static (e.g., referring to a variable) or the ID of an input.


Select which dataset to pull from; the name of an included dataset, or ID of a selector of dataset names.


Select which IDs to include; a vector of IDs that appear in the specified dataset, or the ID of a selector of IDs. If an IDs map is included in the site's datapackage, mapped components can be referred to here.


Select IDs based on their features; a named list or vector, with names corresponding to the names of features included in an ids field of the site's datapackage, and values corresponding to a value or vector of values, or a selector of values.


Select IDs based on the values of their variables; a list of lists with entries for "variable" (name of the variable), "type" (comparison operator), and "value" (value to check against). For example, list(list(variable = "a", type = ">", value = 0)). Each entry may also refer to another input.


The name of the color palette used in maps and plots (from colorbrewer); one of "rdylbu7" (default), "orrd7", "gnbu7", "brbg7", "puor7", "prgn6", "reds5", "greens5", "greys4", "paired4".


A list of the entered options.


if (FALSE) {