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Adds a button to reset an input or trigger a predefined function (including data export) to a website.


input_button(label, target = "reset_selection", id = label,
  dataview = NULL, query = list(), from_api = FALSE, class = "", ...,
  note = NULL)



Text in the button for the user.


The ID of an input element to reset, a vector with IDs of input elements as names and values to set those inputs to as values, or the name of a function to trigger (e.g., c(input_a = 1)). Available function are refresh (to force a reprocessing of the current input state), reset_selection (to reset all input elements that are not settings), reset_storage (to clear local storage, reset all settings, and reload), export (to download data), copy (to save an API link to the clipboard), and filter (to open a data filter menu). This can also be a URL (including protocol) for a button-like link.


Unique ID of the element to be created.


Name of a data view to get selection and filter options from for export.


A list of query parameters, if target is "export" or "copy". See the API section.


Logical; if TRUE, target is "export", and an endpoint has been provided in site_build, links to the API rather than exporting from the browser.


Additional class names to add to the element.


Additional attributes to set on the element.


Text to display as a tooltip for the button.


A character vector of the contents to be added.

API Query

The query argument can be used to specify export options for a download button. These options can also be included as query parameters in a site API's URL:


These options affect the format of the returned file:

  • file_format: Specifies the separator between columns: 'csv' (default) for commas, or 'tsv' for tabs.

  • table_format: Specifies the layout of the data: 'tall' for a row for each value, with all values in the same column (repeats over entities, times, and variables); 'mixed' (default) for a row for each time, with a column for each variable (repeats over entities); 'wide' for a row for each entity, with a column for each variable at each time.

  • features: Specifies which features to include in the first columns of the file: A list with names for year column name, and value with the feature name to include in that column. Currently not available through the URL.

  • include: Specifies which variables to include: a vector or variable names, or (for the URL interface) a string with variable names separated by commas. By default, all variables are included.

  • exclude: Specifies which variables to exclude: a vector or variable names, or (for the URL interface) a string with variable names separated by commas.


These options can be used to subset data:

  • dataset: The name of a dataset, or vector (comma separated string) of dataset names. Includes all datasets by default.

  • variable[component]=value: Sets conditions on the summary of a variable. The summary of a variable is within each entity, which results in a set of summary components: "first", "min", "mean", "sum", "max", "last". The = sign can be another operator: "!=", ">=", "<=". values can be comma-separated sets of values.

  • feature=value: Sets conditions on a feature of each entity.

  • time_range: Selects a time or time range to include: ">=" or "<=" with a single minimal or maximal time, or "=" with a single time, or comma-separated set of two times.

See also

For buttons to select between a set of options, use input_buttongroup.


if (FALSE) {
# a selection reset button

# a button to export all data, plus some added features
input_button("Download All Data", "export", query = list(
  features = list(ID = "id", Feature_A = "ft_a")

# a button to export a special subset
# from a URL:
#   variable_a[min]>=10&feature_a=type_a,type_b
input_button("Download Subset", "export", query = list(
  dataset = "set_a", include = c("variable_a", "variable_b"),
  variable_a = list(component = "min", operator = ">", value = 10),
  feature_a = c("type_a", "type_b")