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An R package to build static data exploration dashboards (data sites).

See the wiki for more about how the package and data sites work.


Download R from, then install the package from an R console:

# install.packages('remotes')

And load the package:

Use Cases

Documenting a Dataset

# say you had some data like this
data <- data.frame(
  x = rnorm(100),
  y = rnorm(100),
  g = sample(letters[1:5], 100, TRUE)

# in a file like this
write.csv(data, "data.csv", row.names = FALSE)

# you could make a datapackage.json file to document it like this
init_data("example_data", filename = "data.csv")

# or like this
init_data("example_data", overwrite = TRUE)

Making a Data Site

Data sites build off of data documentation to present datasets interactively.

This example creates a site to explore the mtcars dataset:

# initialize the site in a new directory
init_site("../example_site", template = "mtcars")

# use the created build.R file to prepare and add data,
# then run the site
source("../example_site/build.R", chdir = TRUE)

After the initial site is build, you can edit ../example_site/site.R, then rebuild the site and reload the page to see changes:

site_build("../example_site", serve = TRUE)

See the Build a Data Site article for more.

JavaScript Development

This project uses Rollup to assemble the development JavaScript files into the scripts that run data sites (in a web browser and/or in a Node environment as part of an API).

Visual Studio Code is recommended for automatic code styling.

To start working on the JavaScript source, first ensure Node.js is installed, then install the development dependencies:

npm install

Then you can start Rollup in development mode, which will watch the source files to rebuild the development scripts whenever they are changed, and serve them on http://localhost:8000:

npm start

The development scripts can be worked with in a running site by starting a development server, and adding version = "local" to the site_build command for that site.


Run the JavaScript tests to rebuild the coverage report in docs/coverage:

npm test


This will rebuild the distributed, minified JavaScript and CSS files that are used in current data sites:

npm run build

That updates the “dev” versions of the distribution assets, where build-stable will update the “stable” assets.